Welcome to Bengal Township

Bengal Township Planning Commission


Brandy Solomon - Chairperson - 810-705-7229 - Term Expires June 2025 - bengaltownshippc1@gmail.com (first point of contact)

Sam Nielsen - Trustee - 517-420-7219 - Term Expires June 2025 - niels1sc@gmail.com

Eric Boak - Trustee and Liaison to the Board - 517-449-4283 -Term Expires - November 2024

Brenda Zlotek - Secretary - 517-290-0584 - Term Expires June 2026

Bengal Township Zoning Board of Appeals


Adam Dailide - Chairperson - 734-679-0302 - term expires 6/30/2025

George Koenigsknecht - Vice Chairperson - 989-593-2955 - term expires 6/30/2025

Ron Dershem - Recording Secretary - 989-224-8001 - term expires 6/30/2024

Sharon Bassette - Trustee - 989-640-4750 - term expires 6/30/2025


Audrey Tipper - 616-648-8321 - term expires 6/30/2025

Robert Root
- 989-640-5668 - term expires 6/30/2025

Agenda Minutes

June 25, 2015

June 30, 2015


Location of all meetings:
Bengal township Hall 6586 West M-21 St. Johns, MI  48879

Secretary of the Planning Commission,
Brenda Zlotek


Bengal Township
6586 West M-21| St. Johns, MI 48879

@ 2015 Bengal Township